History of US States with Legal Online Sports Betting

When it comes to gambling online, US is little bit so hard. Not all of states can accept it but actually gambling itself is legal. If there are 4 states to legalize online casino, sportsbook is more popular because there are 11 states to legalize the online sports betting in this world. Americans love sport so much and when they have time, they will bet on it through the best game they want. Here are some US states with legal online sportsbook to know such as:


Actually, this state has not passed the laws yet to allow the online sportsbook to be operated there. However, the residents can use the mobile gadget place their bet when they visit or stay at land-based casino.


Illinois has passed the new laws for offering the online sportsbook for the residents. Now, they can expect so many top-rated sports betting sites to be launched in 2020. Same like other casino, people need to make the account to play but they have to make it at the land-based casino or racetracks. After that, people can manage the online account.


Just like Illinois, in 2019, Iowa already legalizes online sports betting but they have not released or launched any sports betting sites in this time. You can visit the land-based casinos to make the first account.

It is not only those states which already legalize online sports betting but Tennessee, Oregon and Indiana followed behind to allow any operation for online sports betting in certain state. While some states have taken any action already, more are still in the process to pass the laws so they can allow sportsbook to enter the betting market. Delaware might be on of them. It was the first state of US to offer the online casino service in 2013 but they have not passed any laws for sportsbook yet.